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Writer's pictureLailah Mo

Pray Boldly

So many times in scripture, you read that Jesus tells people that it was because of their faith they were healed. By contrast, he’s told people that it was because of their unbelief that healings couldn’t be done or demons couldn’t be cast out. He’s also needed to wait until the unbelievers were out of the room before he could perform the mighty miracles of bringing the little girl back to life. In fact, in his own hometown, he wasn’t able to perform mighty works because of their unbelief but was still able to lay his hands on the sick and heal them.

God is limitless and abundant and everlasting. It’s not his nature to limit his blessings. It’s us who limit God. Our prayers are often too small so God doesn’t have to come into our lives in a miraculous way. We shy away from bold prayers because we have a belief that we shouldn’t pray for material things, but materials are one way that God blesses. Food, clothing, shelter is material. If you’re overflowing with blessings, you can bless others.

Ask God who he wants you to bless and take action in faith.

So this year, I encourage you to pray big prayers that you can’t do alone so that God can come in and show you his glory.

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