What's your bold prayer?
God loves you. He gives you blessings not because you deserve it, but because He's gracious. By understanding this, you take your "works" out of the equation. You can't "work" hard enough to "deserve" enough because it's not about you deserving blessings. It's about accepting them.
We align ourselves to God's will. We don't try to force God to align to our will. In fact, God's will shall always be done.
Our faith matters because even if it's God's will to pour blessings and favor on us (Proverbs 8:35), if we have unbelief, we will limit God.
Mark 6:5-6
Hebrews 11:6
James 1:6
I encourage you to pray big enough prayers that requires God to move. Pray prayers that are humanly impossible for you to do on your own. If what you pray can be accomplished on your own, your prayer is too small.
Pray boldly and give room for God to move in your life then thank Him for his blessings and favor.
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